
.NET Core Course Structure ( Duration : 120 Hours )

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.NET Framework 4.6 and C# 7.0
LINQ and Entity Framework Core
ASP.NET Web Forms 4.5

Microsoft Visual Studio & Framework History & Background:

Introduction to .NET Framework 4.6:

o What is .NET Platform?
o What is .NET Framework
o .NET Framework, Languages, and Tools
o .NET Framework Major Components
o Common Language Runtime (CLR)
o The CLS (Common Language Specification)
o The CTS (Common Type System)
o Value Types and Reference Types
o Compilation and Execution in .NET
o Understand the .NET Framework 4.6 stack

Introduction to C#:

o Features of C#
o C# Compilation and Execution
o General Structure of a C# Program
o Creating and Using a DLL

Data Types and Arrays in C#:

o Data Types in C#
o Value Types and Reference Types
o Boxing and UnBoxing
o Single Dimensional, Multi-Dimensional & Jagged arrays
o Nullable Types
o Implicitly Typed Local variables
o Var vs dynamic
o Is and as operator
o Ref vs out keywords
o The ‘object’ base class in .net
o Equals() vs ==
o String vs StringBuilder
o Various String class methods
o Default parameters, named parameters
o Parse() vs TryParse() vs Convert Class methods

Using Microsoft Visual Studio Community:

o Various Types of .NET Projects
o Tracing, Debugging, Build
o Compile Options
o Using break points
o Using break conditions
o Using watch and output window
o Creating multiple projects within one solution
o Customizing Visual Studio Settings – Extensions, NUGet Package, Environmental Settings

OOP with C# o Structures and enums:

o The architecture of a class in C#
o Instance, Class & Reference variables
o Access Modifier
o Abstract Classes
o Constructors, Destructors, The GC
o .NET Base class library
o Inheritance in C#
o Method Overloading
o Method Overriding
o Operator Overloading
o Method Hiding
o Access modifiers : private, pubic, protected, internal, protected internal, new
o Anonymous types
o Abstract classes
o Sealed classes
o Creating Interfaces
o Implementing Interface inheritance
o Declaring properties within Interfaces
o Namespaces
o Creating and using Generic classes
o Indexers & Properties
o Auto Implemented properties
o Static Classes o Property Accessors
o Partial types
o Extension methods
o Object Initializer

Evaluating Regular Expressions in C#:

o RegEx Class
o Forming Regular Expression
o Methods for Regular Expression

Exception Handling:

o Exceptions in C#
o Exception class hierarchy
o Try block
o Multiple catch blocks
o Finally block
o Purpose of throw keyword
o Purpose of inner exception
o Creating Custom Exception

Garbage Collection in C#:

o Role of a Garbage Collector
o Garbage Collection Algorithm
o Finalize vs Dispose

Collections & Generics:

o System.Collections Namespace
o Collection Interfaces
o Collection Classes
o The collection API
o Working with Generics
o Creating Generic class, Generic Methods, Interfaces, Delegates
o Collection Initializers
o Iterators
o Constraints

Delegates and Events:

o Introduction to Delegates
o Implementing Delegates
o Single & Multicasting Delegate
o Creating callback method using Delegate
o Events in C#
o Generic delegates and generic Delegates, Generic Classes
o Action, Func and Predicate Delegate

File I/O and Serialization:

o Persisting object state to a stream
o Various classes used for File handling
o Using StreamReader, StreamWritter
o Using BinaryReader, BinaryWriter
o Using File, FileInfo, Directory, DirectoryInfo
o Serialization modes: Binary, SOAP, XML
o JSON serialization using DataContractJsonSerializer
o Performing various serializations
o Runtime serialization (Deep)
o Marking a class serializable
o Serialization and inherited classes
o Customizing Serialization by Using attributes
o Implementing ISerializable interface

Assemblies, Reflection & Attribute based programming:

o Introduction to .NET Reflection
o Obtaining details about types from the assembly(Private,Public,Shared and Satellite)
o Obtaining details about methods, properties and fields
o Creating Custom Attributes
o Retrieving Attribute Details with Reflection

Threading, Parallel and Async programming with C#:

o Appdomain vs Process vs Thread
o Process vs Thread
o Creating and running a thread
o Thread.Sleep() method
o Parallelization Overview
o Task Parallel Library
o Threads Vs. Tasks
o Parallel Extensions in .NET 4.5
o Task Based Asynchronous Model in .NET 4.5
o Async and Await o Using Locks

New Features in C# 6.0:

o Using Static
o String Interpolation
o Dictionary Initializers
o Auto property Initializers & Getter only auto properties
HighQ-Labs 6
o nameOf Operator
o Await in catch/finally
o Null conditional operator and Null Propagation
o Expression bodied members
o Using static with Extension Methods
o Exception filters

New Features in C# 7.0:

o Out Variable Enhancements
o Pattern Matching
o Tuples
o Local or Nested Functions
o ref Returns and Locals
o Expression Bodied Members
o Throw Expressions
o Literal Improvements
o Generalized async Return Types

Encrypting and Decrypting:

o Implementing Symmetric & Asymmetric Encryption

Utilizing Class Libraries & Console Project:

o The .NET Console Application Project Type
o References and Importing Namespaces
o Instancing Classes

IOC Container:

o Dependency Injection – Only Concept and Simple Demo

Getting Started with Git:

o Install the Git Tools
o Clone an Existing Repository
o Add Files to a Repository
o Edit Files in a Git Repository
o Create and Merge Branches
o Rewrite History in a Git Repository
o Resolve Merge Conflicts

ADO.NET Architecture:

o .NET Data Providers
o DB Connectivity Architectures in .NET
o Elements of .NET Data Providers
o Introduction to SQL Server
o Namespaces in ADO.NET
o Using server explorer window
o Connection class
o Command class
o Direct Command execution against database
o Using Parameters in command
o Performing CRUD operations
o Connected Vs disconnected Architecture
o Data reader class
o The dataset and dataset Architecture
o Comparison ADO & ADO.NET on Disconnected Data architecture
o Implementing Disconnected Data Architecture
o Performing CRUD operations in disconnected architecture
o ReadXml(),ReadXmlSchema(), WriteXml(), WriteXmlSchema() usage.
o Implementing Data Access Layer o Guidelines for Designing DAL

LINQ and Entity Framework Core:

Language Integrated Query:

o Introduction , LINQ Syntax
o Query Operators
o Select, from, Where
o ofType
o OrderBy
o ThenBy
o GroupBy, into
o Select
o SelectMany
o Take, TakeWhile
o First
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o FirstOrDefault
o Single
o SingleOrDefault
o Aggregate functions Sum, Min, Max, Average, Count o Distinct
o Intersect
o Except
o Join
o LINQ projection
o Deferred execution vs immediate execution
o Let keyword
o LINQ to Object
o LINQ to DataTable

Entity Framework Core:

o Overview of ORM Products
o Entity Framework introduction
o Using Database first Approach
o Using Model First approach
o Using Code First approach
o Using LINQ to Entities to perform CRUD operations
o SQL Query Logging
o Migration & Database Update
o Eager Loading Vs Explicit Loading Vs Lazy Loading
o Raw SQL And Stored Procedures

ASP.NET Web Forms 4.5

Introduction to ASP.NET 4.5:

o Basic ASP.NET concepts, ASP.NET Framework
o Web Forms and their features
o Life Cycle of a Web Form
o Advantages of ASP.NET over ASP
o Concept of Code Behind, Web Configuration File
o Page Life Cycle
o ASP.NET 4.5 features

Validation in ASP.NET 4.5:

o Validation Controls
o Custom Validator
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o Validation Summary
o Validation Group
o Validation: Best Practices and Guidelines

Using JavaScript:

o Overview
o Validation
o Model Popup

Master Pages:

o Why Master Pages
o Working with Master Pages
o Coding a Master Page and Content Page
o Nesting of Master Pages
o Best Practices & Guidelines


o Introduction to Tracing

Data Driven Pages:

o Using DataSource controls provided in ASP.NET
o Using GridView, FormView, Repeater and DetailsView Controls

State Management & Caching:

o HTTP Basics
o State Management
o Client-side State Management – ViewState, Hidden Fields, QueryString, Cookies
o Server-side State Management – Session Object, Application Object
o Global.asax
o Caching,Types of Caching,Caching Methods(Add,Insert)
o State Management: Best Practices and Guidelines

Deploying ASP.NET Applications:

o What to Deploy?
o Steps to take before Deploying
o Methods to Deploy
o Copy Web Site Dialog
o Deploying a Pre-Compiled Application
o Deployment: Best Practices and Guidelines

ASP.NET Identity:



Introduction to .Net Core WebAPI:

o Introduction to Web Service with Demo
o Introduction to WCF Service with Demo o Introduction to Web API
o Difference between Web Service, WCF Service and Web API
o Web API features
o HTTP Web Services
o Web API Introduction
o Middleware
o Web API Routing
o Configuring WebApi
o Web API Parameter Biding
o Action Return Type
o WebApi Filters
o Content Negotiation
o Create CRUD WebApi
o Consume WebApi
o MSTest / XUnit

• Basic Unit Test

o Create CRUD WebApi

Working with swagger
Postman Utility



o ASP.NET Core – Project.Json
o ASP.NET Core – Configuration
o MVC Design Pattern

• Middleware
• Exceptions
• Static Files
• Setup MVC

o Routing
o Attribute Routes
o Action Results

o Model
o Views

Identity Configuration:

o Identity Migrations
o User Registration
o Create a User
o Log In and Log Out

Exploring Controllers:

o Working with Controllers
o Routing
o Attribute Routing
o Action Methods
o Action Filters ,Types of Action Filters
o Passing Data from controller to view

Working with Views:

o ASP.NET MVC Razor View Engines
o HTML Helpers
o Working with Layout

Exploring Models & working with data:

o Model Binding ▪ Automapper
o Data Annotation

Setup Entity Framework Core:

o DB Context
o Model Creation & Mapping
o Validation

Fluent Validation:


o Introduction to Ajax
o AJAX Helpers
o Partial Page rendering
o AJAX using jQuery

Using ASP.NET Identity in ASP.NET MVC:

Consume WebAPI:

o JWT Token Authentication
o Consume Methods
HighQ-Labs 12
• Code Commit
• Deployment of Application
• Consume WCF Service

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