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Automation Testing:

o What is Automation Testing?
o When we Switch to Automation Testing?
o Why Automation testing?/Advantages
o Disadvantages
o Automation Testing Tools


o What is Selenium
o Why Selenium? / Advantages
o What are its versions?
o What all OS, Browsers, and Programming Languages it Support?

• Java-Selenium Architecture
• WebDriver Architecture
• Basic Selenium Program to Open and close Browser
• Runtime Polymorphism Program in Selenium
• WebDriver abstract methods
• Locators
• Xpath, its Types and cases
o Handling Multiple Elements
o Handling Synchronisation issue by using implicitlyWait and Explicitly Wait
o Handling Dropdown (static and dynamic)
o Handling Keyboard and Mouse Actions
o Taking Screenshot
o Handling Disabled Element
o Performing Scroll down Action
o WebElement Interface Methods
o Handling Popups (web-based and Window-based)
o Handling Frames
o Handling New Windows/New Tabs


o Stages and Types of Framework
o Explanation of Hybrid Framework with a combination of

• Data-Driven
• Keyword-Driven
• Method-Driven
o POM (Page Object Model)


o Fetching TestNG Report
o Batch Execution
o TestNG Flags and Annotations
o Assertion
o Grouping Execution
o Data Parameterisation
o Data driven through DataProvider
o Parallel Execution
o Distributed Parallel Execution
o Cross Browser Parallel Execution

Modular Frameworks:

Hybrid Framework:

o Hybrid Framework Architecture
o Introduction to Maven, GitHub and Jenkins

Internship Project:

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